Why he went outside at 2:40 A.M.
“Hi, been two weeks so I feel I should post something. I’m on the mend, no complications so far. Can’t put any weight on my foot for another month, so I have a knee scooter for around the house. More fun than the walker. No updates from the detectives on the case. I will address the time of day I was walking my pup at, to fill some space in this post. I’m a night owl, always have been. My wife works graveyard in a casino. 2-3 in the morning is the middle of the day for us! And during the summer, with temps 115-120° during the day, walking Coco in the early morning can still be over 100°. So we walk when it’s coolest, and have for the last two years without mishap, until recently. Nothing nefarious. Ok, now what you’ve been waiting for, another Coco pic!”
What happened that night
“And some brief details about that night. Walking home from our walk Coco and I crossed paths with a couple of thieves. Dressed darkly, hoodies pulled down their faces and masks covering their mouths. Standing in a neighbor’s driveway checking out his motorcycle. There was a verbal confrontation which ended with an agreement that I would walk one way and they would walk the opposite. That didn’t work out. I’ll probably talk in more detail about it later but right now I can only comfortably do a little at a time.”